Monday, January 04, 2010

Mostly about Muriel

I know I said there would be pictures... soon! In the meantime...

Things I am finding cute:

Muriel says, when she has a good idea, that she has a goodea. I have a goodea!

Also, she has taken to adding emphasis to things, like if something is huge (say, a monster), it is now really, really, really huge. Only she says "willy" instead of really. A willy, willy, willy huge monster!

Things designed to drive me crazy:

The chanting. I may as well just teach them some football cheers or WTO protest chants. These girls can't stop the repetitive chanting. They have now seen Mary Poppins twice and simply cannot stop singing/chanting about how a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down in the most delightful way. Wait, I don't mean the chanting is delightful.

Things designed to drive me crazy that I also find cute:

Muriel and I, eating a yogurt, looking at the lemon on the container:

Muriel: That's a melon?
Me: No, it's a lemon.
Muriel: A ...lemond.
Me: Right, lemon.
Muriel: A melon.
Me: ...

Naomi and Muriel, playing Queen and Princess or Queen and her cat or Queen of cats and her cat courtier or whatever:

Naomi: Say "Your Highness."
Muriel: My Highness.
Naomi: No, YOUR Highness.
Muriel: MY Highness.
Naomi: Not My Highness, YOUR Highness.
Naomi: MURIEL!!

1 comment:

Bailan said...

MY HIGHNESS is my favorite :) Wait she learns "Who's on first!"