Friday, October 29, 2010

Harvest Dance

I just now heard myself telling Naomi that Gramma would cry if she could hear the way Naomi talks back to me. My closer: "Don't make Gramma cry!" And, good night.

Just got back from the Harvest Dance, which is what passes for a school Halloween party these days. On the one hand, where did you go, bobbing for apples? Where are all the fun games and costume contests and cupcakes with big globby marshmallow ghosts on top? On the other hand, pizza, Costco chocolate chip cookies, 400 glow necklaces, and a dark gym full of super happy elementary school students dressed like Clone Wars characters and fairies jumping up and down to the Black Eyed Peas makes for a pretty agreeable evening, as it turns out.

Light at the end of the work tunnel, I bask in your glow. In November, NaNoWriMo. Think I can do it? More on that soon. Happy Halloween, friends!

1 comment:

MT said...

Would Gramma really cry? Or would Gramma say "Now you know what it feels like!!!" to you...

Glad to hear work is slowing down.