Thursday, January 20, 2011

Proud Moments at Dinner

Tonight during the ritual telling about one's day, Naomi claimed that she had begged her teacher for "more math." I'm leaving that one alone. Then Muriel taught us the lyrics to "The Chicken Dance" en Espanol. She also showed us a "hip-hop" dance that she had choreographed, which was not exactly distinguishable as hip-hop, but was definitely a cool dance.

Luna went to the vet to get her teeth cleaned today, and while there, had a thing removed from her head. A tumor? A growth? Some thing on her head. So tonight, in addition to uncharacteristically sweet-smelling breath, she has a big weird bald wound on her head, like a meteor strike. Poor thing. She has been drinking water like she could never have conceived of something so wonderful, and is now sleeping in much the same vein. Rough day!

January has been whizzing by, which is strange, because it doesn't really feel as though things have actually gotten started in this new year. Wonder what that will take?

1 comment:

MT said...

It sounds like you encourage leaving the table and performing during dinner. Maybe I will adopt your philosophy. Certainly, repeating "please get your bottom on your seat" has not won me any admirers and it hasn't even resulted in much increased dinner consumption.