It is so, so lazy of me just to post another cute photo when there really is so much to write about. What about our visit to the pumpkin patch on Sunday? What about the fact that my company is bought up for real now and I find myself with 330,000 new coworkers? What about all the thoughts I'm having about Naomi's language skills and her cognitive skills and what kind of gap does or does not exist between the two? What about my concerns about not immediately going to the the little sleeper when she cries out in the night, and the ensuing muses on the metaphor of stern parenting for our own thoughtless refusal to meaningfully engage with the countries in the world that clearly demand some meaningful engagement? What about the fascinating research essay on the origins of Halloween that I just read today? What about the incredibly amateurish Halloween costume that I am attempting to sew for Naomi? What about the fact that Jim finally brought home the xbox he has been threatening to buy for the last few months? I could go on and on, but I'm not going to. Instead, I'm just going to post another photo.