Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Bunny


MT said...

Love this cute photo! Did you expertly pose this, with a fake cage and big fabric carrot? Or is there somewhere in Khooler-ville that really looks like this? -MT

Aliki2006 said...

Ack! What an adorable pic! Is that your trick for keeping Naomi out from underfoot while you're cooking in the kitchen (just kidding!)? Actually, when Liam was two he used to crawl into Willa's dog crate (sans the carrot, of course) and happily play in there, gross though it sounds, while *I* cooked dinner.

J Khooler said...

This bunny hutch is at a "children's museum" (really just an elaborate indoor playground) at a mall here. Naomi climbed inside of her own accord, but I admit to a little encouragement on the pretend carrot eating...