I have already copped to slackerly posting these past few months, but in peeking through our recent photos, I see that there have been plenty of happenings happening. Why did I not just post one of these pictures each time, and knock off a thousand words apiece?

Who dressed this merry band of kitchen pirates?
In an attempt to bring his war-making skills off of the computer and out into the real world, Jim bought a force of mercenary ladybugs to take on the forces of Aphid, which had overrun the province of Euphorbia. Cute general, don't you think?
This little bunny-fest took place at the "Sheep-Shearing Event" at a farm park here in town. Thanks to (my) bad planning, we spent most of the day waiting for the shuttle bus. But the adorable kids who bring their pets to be admired and petted by small children were waiting, as predicted, and Naomi made friends with a few long-eared creatures. The rapt look on Naomi's face is because the big girl holding the bunny was chewing gum, and Naomi found that almost as fascinating as the bunny.
Look, Jim is actually in more than one picture this year! What you can't see in this is his poor tropical parents, wearing their parkas on a walk around our neighborhood.
Seattle Folk Life Festival! This is a really fun three or four day festival that involves lots of street performers, spoken word, music, folk dancing, eating (not folk eating), and drumming. Always drumming. Because this is Seattle, the mini-donut booth sign had the word ORGANIC bigger than the word DONUT. This was Naomi's first all-to-herself ice cream cone.
Picnic! Muriel is a picnic natural- for some reason it has not occurred to her yet that she could just crawl away. She sits sweetly on the blanket and waits for me to shovel food into her mouth. Naomi does pretty well too. Also, the playground at this park is pretty awesome. The girls and I went back to this park a few days later (with three other ladies) for a brunch picnic, so there you go, the playground is awesome.
Another picnic! Actually, we billed this outing as a snack picnic. Probably not the most foolproof plan for developing healthy eating habits, or health at all, to associate any outing we have with eating. Oh well. Speaking of healthy eating habits, Muriel is all about the roughage. Every picture we take of her that's outside, she's munching on something a goat might fancy- grass, leaves, pine cones...
Today I was all set to write about how wretched the weather has been, how it seems it will never ever improve, how summer will never come. But then every picture I have not gotten around to posting before now shows us enjoying what appears to be lovely summer weather... So I guess the deal is that we have seen summer around, and summer looks good, and has been chatting us up, and gazing into our eyes, and we really thought we might be starting up something. But now? Now, in the damp, dark gray, 53 degree days of June? Summer is NOT returning our calls. Summer! Think about what you're doing! We could have been so good together!

Outdoors, I am a goat kid, but indoors, I am a musical prodigy!

OK, now I'm off the hook for another month...
You totally made my lunch break at work with those photos! I especially like your flirtation with summer and Naomi's love of gum. Maria too has discovered gum, and even knows it is spelled G-U-M, so there is no way to fool her!
Cuteness! Naomi's hair is getting so grown-up and fancy, and Muriel looks even cuter than usual wearing her big sunhat.
I love that in the photo with the bunny, Carmen is in the background, looking for all the world like the evil kid with telekinetic powers who is about to unleash some terror on the unsuspecting crowd.
Summer, I thought we had a connection. I feel like sometimes you are really putting yourself out there, and that you are here for the right reasons. Other times, though, I am confused about what you are hoping to get out of this experience. But I would like to continue this journey with you. I feel a real spark between us. Summer, will you accept this rose?
Finally! A picture of you at the end! It's good to see you...
I loved the photos--especially the one with the pine cone.
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