I had a post all cooked up about how hot it was over the weekend, and how it turned the girls into crabby little crabbersons, and I had some irritating titles on the table, like "Hot Cross Bun(nies)" or "Hottentots" or something similar, and some pictures of them all sweated up, and some of them in the wading pool, with their little teeth chattering. But now, of course, it is gray and cool and rainy, they put an extra onesie on Muriel today, under the tank top I sent her to daycare in, and I can't even remember what the heat was like. Also, it occurs to me that any readers in Arizona and even in the midwest would likely scoff at my claims of the magnitude of the heat, which really only got into the nineties.
So instead I will turn my attention to the oft-neglected (and completely outnumbered) man of the house, who on Sunday joined some of his coworkers for some wilderness male bonding. They went hiking near Mt. Ranier, and had a really good time. Why, yes, he did have to go out the day before to buy a lighter, more hikeable tripod for his big old camera. But it was worth it- look at this beauty...

And let us not overlook this beauty, for that matter!

Here's hoping we get a little more of the hot weather- we're planning a camping trip in the next week, and we would like it warm and dry, please....
I wish we could swap weather, J., I really do. I long for September sweaters and socks.
Thanks so much, too for the wonderful e-mail you sent me--it was so timely.
P.S. I left you bling on my site. Do with it what you will.
Wow, great shot Jim! (by way of Jenny's blog). Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that B and I, in honor of your camping, "camped out" on our rooftop deck a few nights ago. We had an airmattress, so we were only "roughing" it city-style. It was great seeing so many stars and being all romantic... until those damned dew drops nearly froze us to death in our sleeping bags as the weather plunged down to 55 or 60.
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