We kicked off the streak Saturday morning with a trip to the zoo. We headed off to the "Northern Trail," the one part of the zoo we had never managed to get to on previous visits. On the way we saw the Komodo Dragon, another stop we'd never made, and watched as he favored us with a weird giant lizard bowel movement and a slow march across his enclosure. Another mom assured us that this was indeed a special day, as she and her children visited the KD frequently, and it NEVER NEVER moved. So, woo hoo, I guess.
Muriel had specially requested to see an elephant, so we stopped there as well. This trip firmed up something that has been percolating lately- Muriel's fomer fearlessness is giving way to total Chicken Littleness. Just seeing the elephant from two hundred yards freaked her out. It only got worse at the brown bear enclosure. They had a window that let you peek into the nap cave, and we saw the two very large bears from about two feet away. Muriel was really unhappy with this. When we went around the corner to the glassed-in pond view, she enjoyed watching the fish down at her level, but when I picked her up to show her the front-side view of the sleepy bears, she said, and I quote, "No! No! No! No Bears!"
After the bears, we enjoyed a picnic lunch and a ride on the carousel. Good Day, Sunshine! Tomorrow the clouds and coolness are back, but it was a good ride.

The Komodo Dragon's poop was thiiiiis big!
I don't normally hear much about komodo dragons. But first there was your blog, and then Maureen Dowd's column yesterday...
Love these photos and glad to hear about the good weather. - liz
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