I am starting to think the stepped-up posting schedule I'm on might be a mechanism for avoiding the huge amount of work I have to do in my real life job, that I should be working on right now, at 10:30 on a Saturday night. Oh well. As a backlash to the boring blah blah wordy posts of late, I give you a zillion photos of our fantastic Saturday.
It was company picnic day, at a place called Remlinger Farms, which is like a mini proto-Disneyland from another era. Except for the amazingly bizarre and anachronistic Native American...display? (two mannequins in a canoe, one inside a teepee, lots of fakey artifacts?), the place was a slightly surreal kind of delightful.

Mmm, animal food vending machine pellets...Naomi asked me if, when Luna got too old, we could trade her in for a goat pet instead. Which like many things she says, made me laugh out loud and broke my heart. Muriel was terrified of all the animals.

She was not that happy about the crappy canoe ride either.

Naomi and I aboard the inscrutable flying pumpkins.

Hay maze!

Which led to the hay jump. This was actually pretty fun, though mildly emphysema-inspiring with the hay dust, so we didn't stay long.

Choo Choo! The picnic lunch was good, and yes, I did win a door prize. Sweet!

Home, nap...U-Pick! We went to the blueberry farm right by our house.

Naomi got the hang of it pretty well.

We harvested a grand total of 48 cents worth of blueberries. I calculate Muriel ate about 30 cents worth in advance of the scale and cash register part.

Naomi's friend Carmen was the champ, though.

The blueberry farm could not be more conveniently located, right next door to our favorite Chinese place. I hereby decree that all dishes must henceforth be served within a beautiful ring of bright green broccoli. Unless it's pancakes or dessert. Happy Saturday, ya'll.
1 comment:
As fun as the hay looks, I'm not sure the canoe ride is a fair trade for working on a Saturday night...
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