Monday, October 26, 2009


OK, well, the flu seems to have made it to the Khooler house. I have no way to say for sure whether we have regular old flu or the far more interesting and newsworthy H1N1, but Jim was very sick all last week, and now Muriel has had a fever for three days and is generally miserable (though both girls are enjoying a marked increase in TV time). The timing could not have been worse- we missed not one but TWO Halloween parties on Saturday. Blah.

I have been a bit sick, but not terribly so, and hoping this is as bad as it gets for my iron-clad immune system (ha). This flu seems to have divided our family down a line- Jim and Muriel on one side, with yucky long-term fevers and more severe symptoms, and Naomi and I on the other, with flu-ishness and respiratory symptoms, but no fever. Naomi has more stalwart German/Swedish genes, maybe? We noticed not long ago that Muriel looks a lot like Jim's mom, which makes her a lucky girl, since Jim's mom is beautiful. But it doesn't protect her from flu fever!

I have to admit that the coverage and emphasis on this epidemic have given me pause. I wanted to get the vaccine for the kids, but I couldn't- it still isn't available at our pediatrician's office. One unwelcome gift of becoming a parent is the macabre ability for my mind to head straight to the absolute worst case scenario, and thanks to the media's various offerings related to the flu, I am well-equipped with scenarios. At the same time, of course, I am certain we will all be fine, and that's highly likely the real scenario. Our health-care professional friend says that although he can't say for sure, it's seems likely that we do have H1N1, since the seasonal flu doesn't generally make the rounds this early in the season. I hope he's right- it will be good to get these fears all put away.

So, today is another in a string of girls' days in, days that have included the afore-mentioned TV time, some butterfly wing painting (though again, we already missed two costume shindigs), sponge cake making, junk food eating, soup, more soup, the reading of seven hundred books, and a long and fruitless search for Naomi's magic wand. Where is that thing?!


Bailan said...

Hope you all feel better soon! If it helps any, my cousin and her kids had H1N1 and they are just fine now. And the flu was no worse than the regular one for them, so no super-scary symptoms, etc.

Hugs to the Khoolers :)

Jeff said...

Liz was sick for literally 6 or 7 hours three weeks ago. I am still snotting my way through the day and night 3 weeks later. Both kids (and I) had fevers, and all 3 of us had/have loads of snot, David even managed to have some drain from his nose, ears, and eyes! Liz - nothing. Maybe it's mommunity.