As gleeful as it makes me to get a real diagnosis from a doctor, you would think I would choose to actually go to one more often. Today's appraisal of my wretched horror movie throat has me dancing to the pharmacy counter, because the charming Aussie-accented doctor I saw assured me that tonsillitis (what I got) is not only treatable with the awe-inspiring Z-Pack (or in my case, its generic cousin), but is also NOT THAT CONTAGIOUS! As he said, it's between me and the bacteria. All weekend I have been agonizing over giving this illness (that I thought was maybe strep throat) to my kids right before we start our 23 hour plane journey to the other side of the world. It has been yucky- I feel sick in all the traditional ways, but my throat hurts so badly that every time I swallow there is pathetic whimpering. I picture that times two on a full day plane ride, and it quite literally gives me heart palpitations.
But no longer! I have started my generic pack, and feel the full confidence of the pharmaceutical industry coursing through my veins. Both girls have finished off their own virus-induced maladies, enough said about that. We will be healthy and happy and bursting with love or whatever when the plane takes off. Whew!
Which leaves me plenty of time to brag about the kind of spectacular Holiday Open House. What a turnout! Dearest oldest friends, check. Neighbors, check. Friends acquired through kids' school, check. Church friends, check. Coworkers, Jim's and mine! Check! All total we had thirteen kids, and they ran around and begged for cookies and played with each other and made foam sticker ornaments and begged for punch and ate cheese and cucumbers and chocolate. Mostly it was my kids begging for treats and punch, actually. Two of the kids (7 and 5?) from across the street came, and stayed when their mom left, and at one point they announced to me that Muriel was their particular friend. Lest anyone think I am exaggerating her party girl affect.
And now, in the week remaining of home for the holidays, I have a fairly clean house full of flowers and pointsettias and snack food. Hooray! The only down side of the party is that I also now have FOUR half-finished bottles of wine in my fridge, and in my tonsillitised state, I am completely unable to do anything about them. I am working my way through the cookies and cake leftovers, thank you very much.
Hey there, Sorry to hear about your tonsillitis. The Z-pack will do the trick for you! I once had a strep/tonsillitis combo, along with a horrible rash, and once I got the Z-pack I was about 90% better in two days.
By the way, do you like peanut butter or. . .Lotus Notes? (ha ha)
You are funny, B. Peanut butter, totally. And thanks for the encouragement!
The Z-pack MAY have saved my future marriage! You see, Chou and I had recently started dating when I got soo sick--and looked like *&it because I had this horrific rash across my face. Good soul that he is, Chou kept showing up at my apt with soup and magazines, and I kept the lights dimmed and wore a veil so he wouldn't see hideous elephant woman me ;)
I don't know weird combo of nasty I had--at the time I worked at the medical center and even the docs there didn't know for sure--but the Zpack fixed me right up!
I am not sure if I would rather have it be true or a joke that you were wearing a veil. Hilarious! Your story reminds me of when Jim and I were first dating and I had the worst ever hay fever thing- the kind that makes you want to gouge out your own grossly swollen eyes. SUPER attractive! Ah, young love. ha.
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