And yes, I did louse up my resolution by not posting last night, but there was nothing to say, and I felt too sorry for all four of you having to read yet another it's late I'm tired here's a tiny thing that happened today goodnight post. So, I am going to call a do-over on Tuesday. That will be covered by the Jim birthday pictures later in this post.
Before I get to that, here is the thing that happened today, at the exactly right point in the crest of my mania wave, that made me almost wet my pants from laughing. I will say up front, you kind of had to be there. I picked Muriel up from school, and as we were pulling out of the parking space, we saw her school chum's dad. "Is that Daddy's Ella?" she said. "Right, that's Ella's Daddy," I said. "I love Ella's Daddy," she said. "He has such a nice round head."
Bwah! She went on to say that his nice round head has a circle on it, by which she meant his haircut. I was laughing really hard at this (sorry, terrible, I know), which delighted Muriel, so she decided to try out the knock-knock jokes she knows. Ivana come in! Dwayne the bathtub, I'm dwowning! Ah, I laughed all the way home.
I hope that's what she remembers from today, not the part where I yelled at her for squirting tomato innards all over her dress and spitting out her dinner. Between the pair of us, we are like charm school dropouts with a bullet. Oh well. Naomi picked up the slack a bit, when I asked why she was distracting Muriel by making her laugh, and she said, maybe I just have the Giggles. She did, too.
OK, that was tonight's post, and here's last night's:

Oh, and I just noticed that I blew past the 200 post mark earlier in the week. Zowie! See you tomorrow. For reals.
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