I have been remiss in not posting about our big weekend at the beginning of July, and especially in not giving Muriel her birthday due. So, here you go.
On the Fourth, we took the ferry over to Bainbridge Island for some small-town Independence Day shenanigans. The weather was, in short, ridiculous. Here's us on the ferry, sweaters, hot coffee, gray skies. A lovely November day:

When we got there and the parade started, we actually had about 30 minutes of beautiful sunshine. I love this picture, because Muriel's birth story folklore always starts with the Fourth of July parade we went to the day before she was born, and here she is, rocking the parade with her awesome Murielness.

And this one is too nice not to include.

Muriel's birthday was a fun day. Of course it started with the ceremonial pancake face.

Please stop looking so grown up!
I had to make another cake, since I inexplicably ruined the one I made the day before. Oh well. This gave Muriel ample chance to play dress up.

OK, that's better.
Muriel's party was at a park one town over, on a beach on Lake Sammamish. Because I am a moron, I did not pack extra clothes for the girls, and after approximately one minute of beach play, Muriel's lovely birthday party dress was a wreck. Fortunately my friend is not a moron, and lent me her kid's extra clothes so as to prevent Muriel from wearing a towel to her own birthday party.
Muriel's chums from her old school turned out in force (OK, three of them came), and hot dogs and cupcakes were had by all. We even had partial sun! Which this summer is indisputably the best you can ask for.

I love the way Muriel stood up so solemnly and so pleased when it was time to sing Happy Birthday. I have the hardest time trying to put into words what makes Muriel so amazing. I really think, and I'm not just saying this, that she has a kind of inexpressible quality to her. I'll say what I can, though- she is funny, and brave, loving, and fierce, smart, musical, graceful, comical, and delightful. Oh, and 3!
1 comment:
Maria gives us the same complaints when we try to add some modern (or god forbid, feminist) morals to her princess stories. But good for us all! At least we're making the effort. Great photos of Muriel's birthday -- I feel like her face has really changed in the last 6 months to a much bigger child. Still beautiful though.
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