Sunday, November 14, 2010

First Ever Post from Device that Shall Remain Nameless

Jim is always encouraging me to use the "Device" and claiming that it is really easy to type on, etc. I have been, and remain skeptical. But here Muriel and I are in Chicago, with the "Device," so I'm taking a crack at it. I am enjoying the auto-correct...

We are visiting our old and dear friends, and a new friend, their one-year-old daughter. What fun to be away from home, see friends, and remember the toddler years. Muriel is mostly doing well, except for a brief and glorious fit earlier today, and a really very poignant and early bout of homesickness when we first arrived. I am doing a poor job of taking photos, and not doing so greet on this so-called keyboard, so let's just take this back up on the west coast. Good night, Chicago!

Originally, I named the device, but it has already resulted in my first ever spam-ish comment, so, forget it. It's a four-letter-word, rhymes with shmyshmad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!
