I missed two days, noooooooo! Here is what happened Sunday that I should have posted on quickly and knocked one out. After church we went to the conveyor belt sushi place for lunch. It's kind of a thing. So much so in fact that the kids that used to plead and wheedle for that place are all bored and aggravated when we suggest (announce) eating there. On the way we stopped for a months-overdue car wash. The kids really like going through the car wash. You'd think we would go more often. Huh.
Anyway, 0ne of the many fine features of the conveyor belt sushi place is 80s Sundays, by which I mean the overly loud muzak mix skews heavily 80s. Time After Time! But this past Sunday, to our surprise, it was all 70s, and the second song they played was, wait for it, "At the Car Wash," or whatever that song is called. You know the one. Where they say, "Working at the car wash!" over and over. Naomi heard it and was amazed. "We were just at the car wash! And now here is a song about it! It's like one of Jesus' miracles!"
So, Monday's post would have maybe said that I ran my first meeting as the new me at my job, and it was only so so. Whatever, I'll figure it out. Short post!
And now, Tuesday. Lovely Valentiney Tuesday. Red Velvet Pancake Mix from Cost Plus World Market is a buy. Buy, Buy, Buy! We had them (clumsy, heart-shaped) with strawberries and Reddi Wip. The girls opened their little Valentine gifts, the crocheted heart scarves (which I finished yesterday) were revealed, many handmade Valentines were exchanged. Rover the (toy) dog ate cake made from beads and lentils with his animal homies. (Valentine's Day is his birthday.) Tonight after gymnastics we ate heart-shaped pizza and an overly sweet strawberry shortcake that no one could finish. It's the kind of dessert that makes you anxious to get your teeth brushed.
So I am putting my sweet beloveds to bed, and Naomi says, is Eff You See Kay a bad word? I say, why yes it is. She says, but what does it mean? And I say, huh, well, and she says, does it mean like (and she leans way in so she can whisper in my ear)
Stupid? I told her I need to think about how to explain what it means. She suggests that I Google it.
So, um, Happy Valentine's Day!