Sunday, February 05, 2012

3D Real

Another weekend over already? And I have about ten minutes to post, because I have to crochet and watch Downton Abbey. And take my damn Geritol.

Today while Jim went to Home Depot, the girls and I went to eat frozen yogurt and watch Beauty and the Beast in 3D. The kids got "commemorative" take home 3D glasses, and Muriel managed to absorb the name of the 3D brand (is that right? Can 3D be branded?), except she got it flipped around, so she called it 3D Real. Which is squarely in the broad category of "why correct?"

"Beauty and the Beast" shows its age a mite, I'm not going to lie. There are bits of it that are so goofy, old-school animation (mostly the chummy violent bits that involve townspeople and Gaston). And I cringe a bit at the cultural elite angle in the opening song. Read a book, for heaven's sake, people! Heh. But I still loved it. Muriel sniffled in the appropriate spots (that girl), and was terrified most of the rest of the time. Still a fun outing, and we got back just in time to see Madonna's half-time show. Super.

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