I genuinely wish I had the time right now to write more about the girl who turns four just after midnight (and since she was born in Central time, really, it's only an hour and twenty minutes away). How it was after so long being pregnant, finally knowing it was time to find out who was going to be joining our family. How long it took for her to be born. How surprised and shocked I was to learn that the baby I was so sure was a boy was, instead, Naomi. Two of her nurses were named Naomi- what are the chances? She was such a beautiful newborn, always had her eyes wide open, calmly looking around. And such a good baby- we always joked she was our practice kid. (I think we were right on that one...)
I just looked around for a picture to post and now I am weeping at the sight of her, so tiny and beautiful. Lucky for you guys I'm not going to post the placental picture. Yikes. But here she is, the birthday girl....

1 comment:
She was an insanely beautiful newborn...just as she's now an insanely beautiful four year old.
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