Anyway, we were in the tiled hallway outside of the family changing rooms, and I pulled my jeans out of a cubby. My necklace was in the pocket, and it fell out, landed on the hard tile, and shattered. No no no! This was the necklace that Jim bought for me on our honeymoon in Italy. It was glass, a little picture of a tree in a gold ring. I loved it, and I wore it probably three or four days a week. I am genuinely sad about breaking it.
But it did get me thinking about our honeymoon. We couldn't go right after we got married because of some idiotic passport nonsense with a certain country that will remain nameless. So we didn't have our honeymoon until almost a year later. By that time I was already in a family way, which means I didn't get to enjoy the vino, and theoretically wasn't supposed to eat the charcuterie either, but I did bend the rules on that one a little (and on the tiramisu...). And what we lacked in vino, we made up for in gelato. Mmmm.
Anyway, here's a few time travel photos back to 2004...

Ah, carefree travel. See you in retirement.
I still dream that someday you'll be shopping at Crossroads or whatever, and will come across a "handsome priest" calendar and snap it up.
I am sorry to hear about your tree necklace. I know exactly the one you mean and it was lovely. -liz
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