Muriel's school (where Naomi also went as a younger youngster) is a daycare, and employs mostly young people, in a lot of cases young mothers who also have their kids at the center. The aspect I mentioned before has something to do with this- the attitude among these young women seems to be so friendly and supportive. It feels like a really healthy workplace, with a fun camaraderie. was surprising (and funny!) the other day to hear one of the teachers on the front phone when I was on my way out after dropping off Muriel yesterday. She said, "Right, but last night was ladies' night, and she always goes to ladies' night on Thursday nights. So she calls this morning to say she can't come in because she has pink eye..." (two cases have shown up in the room next to Muriel's) "...and now she knows she can't even drop in, because she knows we will know she doesn't have pink eye."
Ha! I guess not everyone is feeling the love (they're not all young mothers, just to be clear, some of them are just young women). It also made me smile to imagine planning my week, and taking into account which bar had ladies' night on which night of the week. Hmm, let's see, there's Monday night football, then White Wednesdays, Ladies' Night on Thursdays, Funky Fridays, Saturday, obviously, partying, so yeah, that leaves Sunday, or Tuesday. For whatever. Somewhere in there I have to leave time to get married, have kids, and get old. Oh, wait, check check check.
As you probably know, every night is Ladies' Night around here. Yeah, and sometimes things get crazy on Saturday nights at our house.

I was never a find-the-bar-with-Ladies-Night gal, but I share the amusement at how differently our weeks are planned now. More like Monday and Wednesday are Bath Night. Tuesday is Taco Night. Thursday is Game Night. Friday is Movie Night. Saturday is (hopefully) Babysitter Night. And Sunday is Laundry/Dishes/Find-Something-For-Show-And-Tell Night!
Keep it up, Jenny! You've done 8 days of blogging and have 20 left to meet your goal! I'm loving it (and wishing I could join you for Target night).
I am laughing right out loud at the White Wedesday reference, not just because it was the most ludicrous bar promotion EVER, but because of how weird it must sound to someone reading about it on your blog. Let the speculation begin!
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