Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oh Happy Day

First let me say that I cannot believe how good Jerry Lewis looks. Yes, I am watching the Oscars, only for a few minutes now, and not for much longer (Amazing Race, Amazing Race!). That is NOT what is making this a happy The happiness we feel today here in the Khooler household has everything to do with a certain guy who had... a birthday today! And since he is the only guy in the house, it's probably not hard to guess who I'm talking about.

In my family of origin, the birthday tradition, besides that you get to pick what Mom cooks for dinner and what kind of cake and ice cream you get, was my dad telling the story of when you were born. I like this tradition, and we have been doing it in our family, with the variation that I am likely going to be the storyteller, to save Jim from a thousand interruptions and interjections. So I asked about his birth story today, and here's what we got: he was born at 10 pm, or thereabouts, the doctor was British, and he popped out a moment after his mom got to the hospital. Come to think of it, I remember his mom telling me what an easy birth his had been.

In the morning, we went to Salty's for brunch with our friends. Yum! I let Naomi pick her own dessert (out of the ridiculous twenty choices), and she chose the chocolate mousse in a chocolate cup. It wasn't until she was halfway through the mousse that she realized the cup was also food, or, as she said, "Daddy, daddy, the cup is also for eating!" This was definitely the most chocolate she has ever had at one sitting. Woo!

I have to give myself a big hearty pat on the back for Jim's present. He is hard to buy for for two reasons. The main one is that he pretty much provides for himself. The secondary one is that he is an amazingly good guesser, so if I try to surprise him with something, for some reason, he manages to guess every time. Crazy making! This time I bought him a super rad retro track jacket with his favorite FIFA team- Deutschland! Hee. He didn't guess. Woo!

We are grateful Jim was born. Thanks, Universe! Anyway, it's his birthday, he wants the computer back, so, time to sign off. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That jacket is BOSS.