Monday, February 15, 2010


Is there a point to posting if I'm just doing it to stick to my resolution? I don't seem to have quite as much to say this February, although maybe it was like this last time around as well? Today, as you know, was President's Day. We did absolutely nothing to celebrate it, I'm sorry to say, after all the hearts and flowers and dragons and lanterns of the weekend. But I did work from home, since Muriel's daycare was closed, and we had a good day together. It is so fun to sneak up the hall and spy on her playing in her room. She is a tireless narrator, that girl. She built block cities and drank pretend tea and nursed tired and ill stuffed animals and who knows what else.

Oh, and she informed me that when the dizzy bus comes to her school (an old school bus made over into some kind of gymnastics gym on wheels), she's not allowed to go because she didn't ask her mom. Of course the real reason is because I didn't fill out her permission slip and pay for her to go. Hmm. Surely the entire class doesn't go to the dizzy bus? Augh, the peer pressure!

Anyway, back to the office tomorrow, but it's another exciting week. An out of town visitor is coming! Our basement will be clean! Oh the joys!

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