Sunday, February 21, 2010

What a Day!

It is not quite rational how the gorgeous and uncharacteristically enduring sunshine has made every day seem to be dipped in gold. I am used to the clouds here, it's normal for me. But seeing the mountains and the water and the evergreens all shining so brightly really is a tonic for the soul. My friend and I walked down to the lake early this chilly morning and watched the mist rising from the sunny water. It felt like a different life, somehow.

Of course it doesn't hurt that we then spent the late morning stuffing ourselves at Salty's. We met our friends (and brought our visitor along) to celebrate Jim's birthday, a little early. I was impressed by how committed Jim and our visitor were to getting our money's worth at the oyster and crab bar. Mmmm. Naomi had the most beautiful cupcake for dessert (I'll get a picture of that up sometime). Muriel ate bacon with gusto, and about a hundred strawberries.

After some sleepy stomach-clutching, I took my friend to the Bellevue botanical garden, which even in the pre-spring explosion phase was an extremely pleasant place to be. I overheard the beginning of some "old rose" association meeting in the visitor's center, and someone who had driven from Spokane quipped that they had left in February and arrived in June. Hee. After a stop at the airport (thanks for coming, L!!), I took the girls to the "good" park, with the two separate playgrounds. Home for soup, bath, and bed. And now here I am, thinking I had better end the day right by not staying up past 11. Yawn. I wish this weekend had about five more days in it.

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