Thursday, February 12, 2009

Charmingly Childlike Sloppy Spatula Work

I am trying hard not to just post any old thing to meet my daily dose of posting, but it is not looking too good for Thursday night here. I am sick, it is late, I am way behind in my over-ambitious Valentines sewing project (I know!) for some little Valentines of mine, and really, you get what you get.

Speaking of Valentines goodies, tonight after dinner Naomi and I made some slice and bake cookies into roll, cutout, and bake cookies. It was mildly disastrous; the dough was sticky, we used a really big heart-shaped cookie cutter, and rolled the dough too thin. The cookies were goopy and several of them disintegrated on the way from pan to cooling rack. On the plus side, when Naomi tells her teachers that she helped her mom make cookies for them for Valentine's day, they are going to think I am a super mom who lets her kid really participate, when in fact her job was spooning more flour onto the rolling pin in an effort to keep the giant clumps of dough from sticking and sprinkling way too much red sugar on the top before they went into the oven. The charmingly childlike sloppy spatula work is all Mom, ladies.

Oh well. I am for once genuinely too sick to go to work, I think, and I am still going to go tomorrow so I don't miss out on DITA training! DITA DITA DITA! Yeah! I was just thinking about how rare it is for me to have fun at work, but now, DITA training! Whee! Alright, good night. Tomorrow will be better, I promise.

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