Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tiny Little Thing

It is a bad idea to wait until the very end of the night and have absolutely nothing in mind when you sit down to try to fulfill your pledge. Yikes. All I can think of a story that is so sweet to me, yet will probably be right over the edge into the treacle pond for you. But whatever.

Naomi and I say the same prayer every night, where we think about what we are thankful for during the day that has just ended. I tend to contribute most of the things. Lately she has been saying weird stuff, like, thank you for all the people in wheelchairs (?). I think she's praying for them, not being thankful for them, but what do I know? Anyway, I am coming off a fairly bad cold, and just starting to feel better, and last night when we prayed, she said the thing she was thankful for was that I was feeling better. Aw!

I know it sounds like I am giving her an awful lot of credit for a small gesture, but it's more than just that she evinced some concern for me. She is thinking more, putting things together more. Watching little brains grow right before your eyes is definitely a perk of parenthood...

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