Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Birthday Season

Jim's birthday is imminent, and Naomi's is next week. I am too fried now to do a decent job of explaining how all the birthdays are making me feel (because it is all about ME!), but I will take a crack at it. I am brimming over, a little bit, with love for my kid, and admiration. I think about her all the time, and things she said, and I laugh and get choked up. She is so darn smart, and thinks about things for days before coming up with some unexpected insight. At the same time, she makes me listen to the one Selena G. song I have downloaded for her, really, a lot of times, singing the whole thing with conviction. She can be so competitive with her sister, but she can also be so solicitous of her.

Anyway, sometimes their birthdays come and I am conscious of what a big deal I should be feeling, but this time I'm really feeling it. It's weird. But good. Also: I finally remembered to go to the world's shabbiest skating rink to put a deposit down for her party. Oh, and I have bought the world's most random birthday gift for Jim. More on that after the bestowing!

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