Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Seven Months and Change

Well, it's February, and this must mean it's time for daily posts. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, what? This is still a living, breathing site? Can that be true? And you are reading this months after I post it, because you really gave up ever coming here and only stumbled upon it quite by accident when you clicked the wrong link. I don't hold a grudge. I was overly absent. It's on me.

So anyway, it seems like I should be able to pull off daily posts, because after all, I haven't told you guys anything that's been going on for like, EVER. But for tonight, we'll stick with tonight. Tonight was Skating Night at the local rink, sponsored by the PTA and for our elementary school only. Ironically, they spelled the name of the school wrong on the sign. Sigh. We skated in circles, listened to pop music, reveled in black lights, hokey pokied. Naomi is very, very keen on skating. It is so fun to watch her. The first few times we went, she looked like a little marching robot. Now she has gotten the hang of it, and glides around pretty convincingly. I still look wobbly. Skating is new when you haven't done it in, mmm, 25 years or something? It doesn't say anything good about me that I seemed to get better when they played the Bee Gees.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

DT said...

Liz and I thrilled that you are back in blogging action! And it only took us 2 weeks to figure it out